Experiment Sign-Up Form

Use this form to sign-up for an experiment in the Psycholinguistics and Cognition Lab only.

Psycholinguistics and Cognition Lab

Concordia University, Loyola Campus

Drummond Science Building, Room DS-304

Phone (514) 848-2210


[In order to use this form, your browser needs to be setup to send e-mail]

About the Experiments

Experiments in this laboratory investigate language representation and processing. In a typical experiment, you will be asked to listen to sentences or to read words and sentences presented to you on a computer. You will be asked to make decisions about the materials by pressing buttons on a keypad. Only reaction time to make those decisions will be recorded. We are not going to investigate your intelligence, your social language ability, or any factors as that. The experiment will take place in the Psycholinguistics and Cognition Lab (see above). It will take about 1 hour to complete a set of short experiments. You will receive payment ($6.00 to $10.00, depending on the set of experiments) for your time. However, you will not be paid if participating in experiments is part of your Cognition 1 course requirements at Concordia. Instead, you will receive the appropriate credit for your participation. Full instructions and a debriefing sheet will be given to you in the lab.

Please, take note of the date and time you choose. And please do not forget to take note of the lab address and phone number. In case you cannot come at your scheduled time, please call the lab at least two hours in advance to reschedule or cancel.

The Experiments are for Native English Speakers Only

You can participate in this experiment only if (a) English was the first language you learned (Canada or USA) or (b) you learned English (in Canada or USA) at the same time you learned another language and English is your main language now. If you do not meet either one of these criteria, you are not a native speaker of English for the purposes of this experiment. Please, do not submit this form if you do not qualify for participating in the experiment. If you are a native speaker of French, you can contact the lab to see if there is an experiment for you at this time.

 Are you a native speaker of Canadian or American English?


Here are the days of the week and times you can sign up for (Week of _______________)

[Note: if the space for the days of the week is blank, it doesn't mean we are not running experiments, but simply that this page has not been updated yet; you should, in any case, submit your request by choosing your preferred day and time and by submitting any other information about your available schedule using the table below] 

Up to 3 people can participate at any given time. If you see XXX, there are no slots available at that hour. You should allow at least 24 hours between the time you submit the form and the slot you are signing up for.

Please click on your preferred slot in the table and fill out the information below.












NOTE: You will receive an e-mail message or a phone call confirming your choice. In case there is any conflict, you will be asked to reschedule. Please don't forget to take note of the date and time you chose. 

Your name:

Your Concordia ID number:

Your phone number:

Your e-mail address:

Your participation is going to be for (check one):

payment (between $6 and $10 an hour, depending on the set of experiments)

course credit

Comments? Questions?

If you have comments or questions (e.g., you are a native speaker of French and want to know if we are running experiments in French at this time) please use the space below.


Are you ready to schedule your participation in the Experiment?

You should receive a reply as soon as we get your message. Please re-submit only if you have not received the automatic reply within 8 hours.