Advanced algebra I, Fall 2004 2004

Instructor: Adrian Iovita , LB-529-1, tel: 3265,

Office Hours:Monday 1-2:30 PM in my office

Text: Abstract Algebra (second edition) by D.S.Dummit and R.M.Foote, Wiley. There will be a copy of the book in reserve in the library

Course Description: The course will cover the basic notions of: representations of finite groups, field theory and Galois theory (parts of chapters 18, 13, 14 in the book.)

Grading The final grade will be determined as follows:

Midterm The date and material for the midterm will be announced later.

Homework No late homework is accepted and we will drop the lowest homework score.

Schedule: Monday-Wednesday from 9:00AM to 10:15AM in LB 559-6.