Resources on Avoiding Plagiarism
Department of Political Science
Concordia University

II. Why Not to Plagiarize
A. What Can Happen if You Get Caught?

Consequences at Concordia:

In cases of suspected plagiarism at Concordia, both the determination of whether a student plagiarized, and the decision of what sanction to apply, is the responsibility of the relevant Dean. (In Arts and Sciences, the Code Administrator. Students in other colleges report to the dean designated by their college.) It is not up to the professor.

According to the Academic Code of Conduct, (articles 21 and 22), the following punishments can be applied. The Dean, or an Academic Hearing Panel, may choose to dismiss the case or:

or (Academic Hearing Panel only):

Consequences in the "real world":
The rules about plagiarism apply beyond the university. Journalists, writers, religious leaders, and politicians have all lost their jobs or suffered serious harm to their reputation and careers because they committed plagiarism. If you don't learn how to avoid it here, it can have serious consequences for your careers and your ambitions after university.

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