• Graduate Student Research (MA & PhD) [details (old file)]
    For the 2009-10 academic year (application deadline: DECEMBER 15, 2008) there may be one or two openings for graduate students to work on projects related to the following topics: (1) interface between linguistic and visual processes using techniques that involve the monitoring of eye movements in sentence processing and visual scene (static and dynamic) perception; (2) Psycholinguistic and neuroimaging (fMRI) of semantic interpretation of sentences; (3) Psycholinguistic and MEG (magnetoencephalography) studies on word recognition and morphological processing. The positions are for MA or PhD and students with background in cognitive psychology, linguistics, or other cognitive science areas. Although usually students may enter the Psychology program, students can also enroll in the Special Interdisciplinary Program in Cognitive Science, if an alternative, specially designded coursework path is desired. The projects are funded by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Fond québécois de la recherche sur la société et culture (FQRSC). For further information, please click here or contact Dr. Roberto de Almeida.

    Also for 2009-10 there will be openings for students to work on the investigation of processes of word recognition (in particular, morphological parsing), sentence processing, and lexical-semantic representation and processing with Aphasic patients as well as patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. These studies are usually conducted at institutions connected to the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation (CRIR). The positions are also for MA or PhD students with background in cognitive psychology, linguistics, or other cognitive science areas. These projects are funded by SSHRC grants. For more information
    contact Dr. Roberto de Almeida.

  • Undergraduate Student Research (Honours & Specialization)
    Please contact Dr. Roberto de Almeida in the Winter/Spring of 2009 to inquire about undergraduate research opportunities for next year. Volunteer positions are considered throught the year.

  • Research Assistant
    The position has been filled for the 2008-2009 academic year. Applications for 2009-2010 will be considered in the Winter/Spring 2009 semester.

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Concordia University, Department of Psychology