The laboratory is housed in a complex in the new Science Complex (SP) at the Concordia University Loyola Campus (west of downtown Montreal; click here for exact location). The lab has several testing rooms, common working space, and offices for graduate students.

The laboratory is equipped with Mac and PC computers. These machines are set up to run virtually any type of experimental paradigm used in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. The testing rooms are equiped with Macs using PsyScope, and attached response boxes, headphones, and microphone. In the working area, the Macs and PCs are used mainly for stimuli preparation, data analyses, word processing, etc.

A specialized testing room is set up to run eye-tracking experiments. We have portable (Mirametrix) and head-mounted (Eyelink) eye trackers, both connected to Macs and PCs. A large projection screen and a multimedia projector are also used for stimuli presentation.

fMRI (functional magnatic resonance imaging) and MEG (magnetoencephalography) resources are available via Concordia's PERFORM centre, and the Universite de Montreal.

Patients with probable Alzheimer's disease and patients with aphasia are studied at hospitals and rehabilitation institutions affiliated with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal.

The lab is affiliated with the Constance-Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre.

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Concordia University, Department of Psychology