Department ofMATHEMATICS
& STATISTICS Concordia University
Dr. Pawel Gora - List of
Research articles published in
reviewed journals or books:
Other Publications:
Research articles
published in reviewed journals or books:
- Ted Szylowiec and Pawe\l \ G\'ora, Memory maps
with Elliptical Trajectories, Int. Jour. Biff.
Chaos. vol.33, No. 9, p.2330021 , 15 pages (2023) DOI:
- Pawe\l \ G\'ora and Ted Szylowiec, Islands
Supporting ACIM for Two Dimensional map, Int. Jour. Biff.
Chaos. Vol. 32, No. 8, p. 2230017 (5 pages) (2022), DOI:
- Eyad AlFarajat and Pawe\l \ G\'ora, On the
absolutely continuous invariant measures for the random maps,
Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos. Vol. 32}, 03, 2250030 (2022),
- Abraham Boyarsky and Pawe\l\ G\'ora, A
Dynamical Systems Model for Face Perception, American
Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.6 (4),
76--80 (2021). doi:
- Abraham Boyarsky, Pawe\l \ G\'ora, Zhenyang Li. (2020) A Metastable
Model for Quantum Super-position. Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Computation, 4(4), 224--229 . DOI:
Pawe\l\ G\'ora,
Abraham Boyarsky and Christopher Keefe, "Absolutely Continuous
Invariant measures for non-autonomous dynamical systems",
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 470
(2019), 159--168, DOI:
- Noah H. Rhee, Pawe\l\ G\'ora and Majid
Bani-Yaghoub, "Predicting
and estimating probability density functions of chaotic
systems", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
System - B, DOI:10.3934/dcdsb.2017144
Pawe{\l} G\'ora, Abraham Boyarsky, Zhenyang Li and Harald
Proppe, "{Statistical and Deterministic Dynamics of Maps with
Memory", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System -
A, 37 (8) (2017), 4347--4378, DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2017186,
Pawe{\l} G\'ora, Abraham Boyarsky and Zhenyang Li,
"Singular SRB measures for a non 1--1 map of the unit square",
Journal of Stat. Physics 165 (2016), 409--433, DOI:
10.1007/s10955-016-1620-y, available at, full-text view-only version:
Abraham Boyarsky, Pawe\l\ G\'ora and Zhenyang
Li, "Optimal chaotic selectors", Dynamical Systems 30:3
(2015), 253-269, DOI: 10.1080/14689367.2015.1006585
A. Boyarsky, P. Eslami, P. G\'ora, Zh. Li, J.
Meddaugh and B. E. Raines, "Chaos for successive maxima
map implies chaos for the original map", Nonlinear Dynamics
\textbf{79}, Issue 3 (2015), 2165--2175,
DOI 10.1007/s11071-014-1802-6
- P. Gora, Zh. Li, A. Boyarsky and H.
Proppe, "Toward A
Mathematical Holographic Principle", Journal of
Statistical Physics \textbf{156}, No. 4 (2014), 775--799, DOI
- A. Boyarsky, P. Gora and Zh. Li, "Selections and their
Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures", Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications \textbf{413}, No. 1
(2014), 100--113,
- Peyman Eslami and Pawel Gora, "Stronger
Lasota-Yorke inequality for piecewise monotonic
transformations", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. \textbf{141}, No.
12 (2013), 4249--4260, DOI: S 0002-9939(2013)11676-X.
- A. Boyarsky, Zh. Li, P. Gora, "A Framework for
Interneural Dynamics in a Cerebral Cortex Center",
Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos \textbf{23},No. 9 (2013), p. 1350151 (8
pages), DOI: 10.1141/S0218127413501514 .
- Zh. Li, P. Gora, "Instability of Isolated Spectrum for
W-shaped maps" , Ergodic Th. and Dyn. Syst. \textbf{33}, issue 4
(2013), 1052--59.
- A. Boyarsky, P. Gora, "Dynamical System Solutions
for Homogeneous Linear Functional Equations of Higher
Order", Aequationes Math. \textbf{85} (2013), 221--230,
DOI: 10.1007/s00010-013-0198-6
- Zhenyang Li, Pawel Gora, Abraham Boyarsky, Harald
Proppe and Peyman Eslami, "A Family of Piecewise Expanding
Maps having Singular Measure as a limit of ACIM's",
Ergodic Th. and Dyn. Syst. \textbf{33}, No. 1, (2013),
158--167, DOI:10.1017/S0143385711000836.
- A. Boyarsky, P. Gora, "Stochastic Perturbations and
Ulam's method for W-shaped Maps", Discrete and
Continuous Dynamical System - A \textbf{33}, Number 5,
(May 2013), 1937--1944, DOI:10.3934/dcds.2013.33.1937
- P. Gora, A. Boyarsky and Peyman Eslami, "Metastable systems as random
maps", Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos \textbf{22}, No.
11, (2012), 1250279-1--1250279-11, DOI:
- P. Gora, Zh. Li and A. Boyarsky, "Harmonic average of slopes and the
stability of absolutely continuous invariant measure",
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 396, Issue 1 (2012),
pages 1--6, DOI: http://10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.05.067
- (with Li, Zhenyang,
Boyarsky, Abraham and Proppe, Harald), "Harmonic
Averages and New Explicit Constants for Invariant Densities of
Piecewise Expanding Maps of the Interval", Journal of
Statistical Physics \textbf{146} (2012), no. 4, 850-863, .
- (with Islam, Md
Shafiqul), "Invariant measures of stochastic perturbations
of dynamical systems using Fourier approximations",
Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. \textbf{21} (2011),
no. 1, 113--123.
- (with
Eslami) "On Eventually Expanding Maps of the Interval",
The American Mathematical Monthly, \textbf{118}, No. 7
(August-September 2011), pp. 629--635.
- (with R.J. Stern)
"Subdifferential analysis of the Van der Waerden
function", Journal of Convex Analysis vol. 18, No. 3
(2011), 699--705.
- (with W. Bahsoun) "SRB
Measures for Certain Markov Processes", DCDS-A 30, no. 1,
(2011), 17--37.
- (with H. Doosti, M. S. Islam, Y. P. Chaubey) "Two-dimensional
wavelets for nonlinear autoregressive models with an application
in dynamical systems", Italian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, vol. 27 (2010), 39--62.
- (with M. S. Islam) "Smoothness of density functions for
random maps", DCDIS, series A, 17 (2010), 249--262.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Chaos of dynamical systems on general time
domains", Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos 19, Issue: 11 (2009),
3829--3832, (
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A Random Map Model for Quantum
Interference", Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulations 15 (2010), 1974–-1979. (
- (with A. Boyarsky and H. Proppe) "A model of holographic
principle: Randomness and Additional Dimension" - Physics
Letters A 374 (2010), 435–-438.
- "Invariant densities for piecewise linear maps of
interval", Ergodic Th. and Dynamical Systems
29, Issue 05 (October 2009), 1549--1583.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "An ergodic theory of consciousness",
Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos 19, No. 4 (2009), 1397--1400.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A Definition of Time", International
Journal of Theoretical Physics 48, Issue 6 (2009), 1589--1595.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "An Irreversible Process Represented by a
Reversible One", Int. Jour. Biff. Chaos 18, Issue 7
(2008), 2059--2061.
- (with Erik Bollt, Andrzej Ostruszka, and Karol
Zyczkowski), "Basis Markov Partitions and Transition Matrices
for Stochastic Systems", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical
Systems 7 (2008), Issue 2, 341--360.
- "Invariant densities for generalized
$\beta$-transformations", Ergodic Th. and Dynamical Systems 27,
Issue 05 (2007), 1583--1598.
- (with Wael Bahsoun, Silvia Mayoral, Manuel
Morales) "Random dynamics and finance: constructing
implied binomial trees from a predetermined stationary density",
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 23,
Issue 3, May/June 2007, 181--212.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Md Shafiqul Islam) "Invariant densities
of random maps have lower bounds on their support.", Journal of
Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 2006:1 (2006),
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Invariant measures in brain
dynamics", Physics Letters A 358 (2006), 27--30.
- (with W. Bahsoun) "Random $\beta$-transformations", Int.
Jour. Biff. Chaos. 16, no.4 (2006), 1079--1081.
- (with W. Bahsoun) "Invariant Densities for
Position-Dependent Random Maps on the Real Line:
Existence, Approximation and Error Bounds", Stochastics
and Dynamics 6, no.2 (2006), 155--172.
- (with A. Boyarsky and W. Bahsoun) "Folding Maps and
Functional Equations", Dynamical Systems, an International
Journal 21, no. 2 (2006), 235-43.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Strong chaotification of discrete time
systems by small feedback control", Int. Jour. Bif.
Chaos 16, No. 3 (2006), 715--719.
- (with W. Bahsoun) "Conditionally Invariant Measures for
Position Dependent Random Maps of an Interval With
Holes", Int. Jour. Bif. Chaos 16, No. 2 (2006),
- (with A. Boyarsky, Md Shafiqul Islam and Wael Bahsoun)
"Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures that Cannot be
Observed Experimentally", SIAM Journal on Applied
Dynamical Systems 5, No. 1 (2006), 84-–90.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Attainable densities for random
maps" J. Math. Anal. Appl. 317, Issue 1,
(2006), 257--270.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Md. Shafiqul Islam) "Approximation of
acim's for Markov switching position dependent random
maps", International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics 25, No. 1 (2005), 51--78.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Md. Sh. Islam) "Randomly chosen chaotic
maps can give rise to nearly ordered behavior", Physica
D: Nonlinear Phenomena 210, issues 3-4 (2005), 284--294.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Md. Sh. Islam) "A generalization of
Straube's theorem: Existence of absolutely continuous
invariant measures for random maps", Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 2005:2 (2005), 133–-141.
- (with A. Boyarsky and W. Bahsoun) "Markov switching for
position dependent random maps with application to forecasting
in financial markets", SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical
Systems 4, No. 2 (2005), 391--406.
- (with W. Bahsoun) Position Dependent Random Maps in One and
Higher Dimensions, Studia Math. 166 (2005),
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Nonobservable Space Dimensions and the
Discreteness of Time", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 24 (2005),
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A Description of Stochastic Systems Using
Chaotic Maps," J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Anal. 2004:2 (2004),
- (with P. Bracken and A. Boyarsky) "Calculus of Variations for
Functionals Containing Compositions", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 296
(2004), 658--664.
- (with W. Bahsoun) Dissipative and Exact Inner Functions,
Complex Vraiables, Theory and Applications, an International
Journal 49 (2004), 331--338.
- (with W. Bahsoun, A. Boyarsky) Small Stochastic Perturbations
of Random Maps with Position Dependent Probabilities, J. Stoch.
Anal. \& Appl. 22 (2004), 1121--1130.
- Paper (with A. Boyarsky) "Absolutely continuous invariant
measures for piecewise expanding $C^2$ transformations in $R^N$
", Israel Jour. Math. 67 (1989), pp. 272--286, has been
reprinted in a collection "The Theory of Chaotic Attractors",
Editors: Hunt, B.R., Kennedy, J.A., Li, T-Y., Nusse, H.E.,
Springer, New York, 2004, pp. 349--363, as one of "the most
influential papers in chaos theory from the past 40 years".
- (with W. Bahsoun, A. Boyarsky) "Stochastic Perturbations
of Position Dependent Random Maps", Stoch.
& Dynam. 3 (2003), 545--557.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "On the Significance of the Tent
Map", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 13, No. 5
(2003), 1299--1301.
- (with W. Bahsoun) "Weakly Convex and Concave Random Maps with
Position Dependent Probabilities", Stoch. Anal. App. 21, no. 5
(2003), 983--994.
- (with W. Bahsoun, A. Boyarsky and M. Ebrahimi)" Filtering
Entropy", Physica D. 183, no. 3-4 (2003), 260--272.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Absolutely continuous invariant measures
for random maps with position dependent probabilities" , J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 278 (2003), 225–-242.
- (with P. Bracken and A. Boyarsky) "A minimum principle
for chaotic dynamical systems", Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
166 (2002), 63--75.
- {with A. Boyarsky} "Chaotic maps derived from trajectory
data", Chaos 12 (2002), no. 1, 42--48.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A Dynamical System Interpretation of
Irreducible Complexity", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
7 (2002), 23--26.
- (with P. Bracken and A. Boyarsky) "Deriving chaotic dynamical
systems from energy functionals", Stochastics and Dynamics
1 (2001), 377--388.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Invariant Measures for Chebyshev
Maps", J. Applied Math. Stoch. Analysis 14 (2001), 257--264.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Optimal Control of Chaotic Systems",
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, No. 7 (2001),
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Energy and Information of Chaotic
Dynamical Systems", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 12 (2001),
- (with A. Boyarsky and V. Lioubimov) "Snap-back repellers
and scrambled sets in general topological spaces", Nonlinear
Analysis 43 (2001), 591--604.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A Comparative
Dynamical Analysis of Hebrew Texts", Discrete Dynamics in
Nature and Society 4 (2000), 293--295.
- (with A. Boyarsky and V. Lioubimov)
"On the existence of ergodic continuous invariant measures for
folding transformations", Erg. Th.\& Dyn. Sys. 20 (2000),
- (with M. Jablo'nski) "Invariant
measures and the compactness of the domain", Ann. Polon. Math.
69 (1998), 13--24.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A new approach to
controlling chaotic systems", Physica D 111 (1998), 1--15.
- (with A. Boyarsky and V. Lioubimov)
"Dynamics on spaces of compact subsets with application to
brain modeling", J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 216 (1997),
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A lattice
spacetime for the slit experiments of quantum mechanics",
Phys. Lett. A 236 (1997), 263--269.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Y.S. Lou )
"Lyapunov exponents for higher dimensional random maps.", J.
Appl. Math. & Stoch. Anal. 10 (1997), pages 209--218
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Laws
Chaos: Invariant Measures and Dynamical Systems in One
Dimension", Birkhauser, New York, 1997
- (with A. Boyarsky) A model for the
structure of spacetime, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals vol 7
pages 611--630 1996
- (with A. Boyarsky) Nelson's drift
coefficient and the structure of quantum spacetime, Chaos,
Solitons & Fractals vol 7 pages 939--954 1996
- (with M. Jablonski and A. Boyarsky) "
A general existence theorem for absolutely continuous
invariant measures on bounded and unbounded intervals.",
Nonlinear World 3 (1996), 183--200
- (with A. Boyarsky) "An algorithm to
control chaotic behavior in one-dimensional maps.", Computers
\& Math. with Appl. 31 (1996), 13--22
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Iterated function
systems and dynamical systems", Chaos 5 (1995), 634--639 .
- (with M. Jablonski and A. Boyarsky)
"Invariant measures generated by sequences of approximating
transformations.", Computers & Math. with Appl. 30 (1995),
- "Properties of Invariant Measures for
Piecewise Expanding One-Dimensional Transformations with
Summable Oscillations of Derivative", Ergodic Th. & Dynam.
Systems 14 (1994), 475-492.
- "Importance of Bounded Variation
Condition for Stability of an Absolutely Continuous Invariant
Measure.", J. Math. Analysis & Appl. 181 (1994), 422-428.
- (with A. Boyarsky and Y. S. Lou ) "
Constructive approximations to the invariant densities of
higher dimensional transformations." , J. Constructive Appr.
10 (1994), 1-13.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "A matrix solution
to the inverse Perron-Frobenius problem", Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 118 (1993), 409-414.
- "Graph theoretic bound on number of
a.c.i.m. for random transformations" , Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc.116 (1992), pp. 401-410.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Modelling and
simulating higher dimensional chaotic data", Computers Math.
Applic. 24 (1992), pp. 101-105.
- (with A. Boyarsky) " A Dynamical
Systems Model for Interference Effects and the Two-Slit
Experiment of Quantum Physics", Physics Lett. A 168 (1992), p.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "On Functions of
Bounded Variation in Higher Dimensions" , Amer. Math. Monthly
99 (1992), 159-160.
- (with M. Pollak and A. Boyarsky) "A
mathematical model describing consequences of abnormally high
levels of epidermal growth factor receptor on the
proliferation of neoplastic cells", Cancer Investigation 9 (No
5), (1991), 513-520.
- (with W. Byers and A. Boyarsky)
"Measures on Periodic Orbits for Continuous Transformations on
the Interval", Stoch. Anal. & Appl. 9 (1991), 263-270
- (with A. Boyarsky) "The
Frobenius-Perron operator on spaces of curves ", Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 324 (1991), 731-746.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Computing the
Topological Entropy of General One-Dimensional Maps", Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 323 (1991), 39-49.
- (with A. Boyarsky and H. Proppe) "On
the number of invariant measures for higher-dimensional
chaotic transformations" , J. Stat. Phys. 62 (1991), 709-728.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "The pseudo-orbit
shadowing property for Markov operators in the space of
probability density functions" , Canadian J. Math. 42 (1990),
- "Differential entropy : continuity
properties and applications to nonsingular endomorphisms",
Commentationes Math. 29 (1990), 169-182.
- (with W. Byers and A. Boyarsky)
"Maximal Absolutely Continuous Measures for Piecewise Linear
Markov Transformations" Erg. Th. & Dyn. Syst. 10 (1990),
- (with A. Boyarsky and H. Proppe)
"Inadequacy of the bounded Variation Technique in the Ergodic
Theory of Higher Dimensional Transformations", Nonlinearity 3
(1990), 1081-1087.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Absolutely
Continuous Invariant Measures and Poincar\'e \ Sections of the
Belousov-Zhabotinski Reaction", Dynamics and Stability of
Systems 5 (1990), 65-81.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Compactness of
Eigenvectors for Families of Non-Negative Matrices", Jour.
Math. Anal. Appl. 150 (1989), 425-438. (with A. Boyarsky)
"Absolutely continuous invariant measures for piecewise
expanding $C^2$ transformations in $R^N$ ", Israel Jour. Math.
67 (1989), pp. 272-286.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Higher Dimensional
Point Transformations and Asymptotic Measures for Cellular
Automata", Computers \& Math. Applic. 19 (1989), pp.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Approximating the
Invariant Densities of Transformations with Infinitely Many
Pieces on the Interval", Proceedings of American Math. Society
105 (1989), 922-928.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Compactness of
Invariant Densities for Families of Expanding Monotonic
Transformations" , Can. Journal Math. 41 (1989), pp.855-869.
- (with B. Schmitt) "Un exemple de
transformation dilatante et $C^1$ par morceaux de
l'intervalle, sans probabilite absolument continue
invariante", Erg. Th. \& Dyn. Syst. 9 (1989),101-113.
- "Countably piecewise expanding
transformations without absolutely continuous invariant
measure", Proceedings of Stefan Banach Center - Semester on
Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, Warsaw 1986 , PWN -
Polish Scientific Publishers, 1989, pp.113-117.
- (with A. Boyarsky) "Why computers like
Lebesgue measure", Computers and Mathematics with Applicatons
16, No. 4, 321-329, 1988.
- (with A. Boyarsky and H. Proppe)
"Constructive approximations to Densities Invariant under
Non-Expanding Transformations", Journal Stat. Phys. 51, No.
1/2, 179-194, 1988.
- "Random composing of mappings, small
stochastic perturbations and attractors", Z.
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete 69 (1985), 137-160 .
- "On small stochastic perturbations of
mappings of the unit interval", Colloquium Math. 49 (1984),
73-85 .
- "On small stochastic perturbations of
one-sided subshift of finite type", Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 27
(1979), 47-51 .
Top of the Page
Other Publications:
- "Strange Attractors", Delta 7, 1982,
1-4 (in Polish).
- "Attractor, what is it ?", Wydawnictwo
Specjalne Delty 1988 (in Polish).
Both , the article and the booklet, are for
high school students interested in mathematics.
Top of the Page