Submitted papers:
Published or accepted for publication:
- C. David and P. Meisner.
Expected Values of L-functions away from the central point.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (to appear)
- P. Darbar, C. David, M. Lalin and A. Lumley.
Asymmetric distribution of extreme values of cubic L-functions on the 1-line.
J. Lond. Math. Soc. 110 (2024), Paper No. E12996, 61 pp.
- C. David, M. Lalin and J.B. Nam.
Conjectures for moments associated with cubic twists of elliptic curves.
Exp. Math. 32 (2023), no. 1, 105-132.
- C. David, L. Devin, J. Nam and J. Schlitt.
Lemke Oliver and Soundararajan bias for consecutive sums of two squares.
Math. Ann. 384 (2022), no. 3-4, 1181-1242.
A. Comeau, C. David, M. Lalin, and W. Li.
On the vanishing of twisted L-functions of elliptic curves over function fields.
Res. Number Theory 8 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 76, 28 pp.
- C. David and A. Guloglu.
One-level density and non-vanishing for cubic L-functions over the Eisenstein field.
Int. Math. Res. Not. (2022), no. 23, 18833-18878.
- C. David, A. Florea and M. Lalin.
The mean values of cubic L-functions over function fields.
Algebra Number theory 16 (2022), no. 5, 1259-1326.
- C. David, A. Florea and M. Lalin.
Non-vanishing for cubic L-functions.
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 9 (2021), Paper No. e69, 58pp.
- C. David, A. Gafni, A. Malik, N. Prabhu, C. Turnage-Butternaugh.
Extremal primes for elliptic curves without complex multiplication.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148 (2020), 929-943.
- S. Bettin, C. David and C. Delaunay,
Families of elliptic curves with non-zero average root number.
Journal of Number Theory, 191 (2018), 1-84.
- A. Bucur, C. David, E. Costa, J. Guerreiro and D. Lowry-Duda,
Traces, high powers and one level density for families of curves over finite fields.
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
165 (2018), no. 2, 225-248
- C. David, D. Koukoulopoulos and E. Smith, Sums of Euler products and statistics on elliptic curves.
Mathematische Annalen, 368 (2017), 685-752.
DOI: 10.1007/s00208-016-1482-2
- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon, N. Kaplan, M. Lalin, E. Ozman and and M. Wood,
The distribution of points on cyclic covers of genus g .
International Mathematics Research Notices ,
Vol. 2016, No. 14, pp. 4297-4340. Advance Access Publication October 1, 2015, doi:10.1093/imrn/rnv279.
- V. Chandee, C. David, D. Koukoulopoulos and E. Smith,
The frequency of elliptic curve groups over prime finite fields.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 68 (4), 2016, pp. 721-761.
- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon and M. Lalin,
Statistics for ordinary Artin-Schreier curves and other p-rank strata.
Transactions of the AMS, Volume 368 Number 4, 2016, pp. 2371--2413.
Article electronically published on July 10, 2015
- C. David, D.K. Huynh and James Parks, One-level density of families of elliptic curves
and the Ratio Conjectures.
Research in Number Theory, 1:6, 2015, pp.1-37. DOI 10.1007/s40993-015-0005-7.
- C. David, D. Garton, Z. Scherr, A. Shankar, E. Smith and L. Thompson,
Abelian surfaces over finite fields with prescribed groups.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 46, 2014, pp. 779-792. doi:10.1112/blms/bdu033.
- V. Chandee, C. David, D. Koukoulopoulos and E. Smith, Group structures of elliptic curves over finite
International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2014, No. 19. pp. 5230--5248.
- C. David and E. Smith, A Cohen-Lenstra Phenomenon for Elliptic curves.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 89 (1), 2014, 24-44. First published online September 5, 2013 doi:10.1112/jlms/jdt036.
- C. David and E. Smith, Elliptic curves with a given number of points over finite fields.
Compositio Mathematica,
149 Issue 2, 2013, 175--203.
- S. Akhtari, C. David, H. Hahn, and L. Thompson, Distribution of squarefree values of sequences associated with
in Women in Numbers 2, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 606 , Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2013, pp. 171-188.
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- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon, M. Lalin and K. Sinha, Distribution of zeta zeroes of Artin-Schreier curves,
Mathematical Research Letters, 19 no. 6, 2012, 1329-1356.
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- C. David and J. Wu, Almost-prime orders of elliptic curves over finite fields, Forum Mathematicum,
24 Issue 1, 2012, 99-120.
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- C. David and J. Wu, Pseudoprime reductions of Elliptic curves,
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 64, 2012, 81--101.
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- A. Balog, A. Cojocaru and C. David, Average twin prime conjecture for elliptic curves,
American Journal of Mathematics, 133 no. 5, 2011, 1179--1229.
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- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon and M. Lalin,
Biased statistics for traces of cyclic p-fold covers over finite fields,
WIN - Women in Number, Fields Institute Communications, American Mathematical Society, 2011.
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- C. David and J. Jimenez Urroz, Square-free discriminants of Frobenius rings,
International Journal of Number Theory , volume 6, Issue 6, 2010, 1391-1412.
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- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon and M. Lalin,
The fluctuations in the number of points of smooth plane curves over finite fields,
Journal of Number Theory , 103 Issue 11, 2010, 2528-2541. PDF file
- A. Bucur, C. David, B. Feigon and M. Lalin,
Statistics for traces of cyclic trigonal curves over finite fields,
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2010, 932-967.
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- A. Cojocaru and C. David, Frobenius fields for Elliptic Curves, American Journal of Mathematics,
130 no. 6, 2008, 1535--1560.
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- S. Adhikari, C. David and J. Jimenez Urroz, Generalizations of some zero-sum theorems, Integers, 8, paper A 52, 2008.
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- A. Cojocaru and C. David,
Frobenius fields for Drinfeld modules of rank 2, Compositio Mathematica, 144, 2008, 827–848.
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- C. David and T. Weston, Local torsion of elliptic curves,
Mathematical Research Letters , volume 15, no 2-3, 2008, 599-611.
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C. David, J. Fearnley and H. Kisilevsky,
Vanishing of L-functions of elliptic curves over number fields,
Special Volume "Clay Mathematical Institute Special Week on Ranks of Elliptic Curves
and Random Matrix Theory", Cambridge University Press, 2006, 33-46.
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A. Akbary, C. David and R. Juricevic,
Average distributions and product of L-series,
Acta Arithmetica , 111, 2004, 239-268.
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- C. David, J. Fearnley and H. Kisilevsky,
On the vanishing of twisted L-functions of elliptic curves,
Experimental Mathematics, , 13, 2004, 185-198.PDF file
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C. David and F. Pappalardi,
Average Frobenius distribution for inerts in Q(i), Journal of
the Ramanujan Mathematical Society , 19, 2004, 1-21.
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C. David, Frobenius distributions of Drinfeld modules of any rank,
Journal of Number Theory , 90, 2001, 329-340.
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C. David, Characteristic polynomials of abelian varieties over finite fields,
Mathematical Reports of the Academy of Science,
22, 2000, 33-38.
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C. David and F. Pappalardi,
Average Frobenius distributions of elliptic curves,
International Mathematics Research Notices, 1999, 165-183.
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C. David, H. Kisilevsky, and F. Pappalardi,
Galois representations with non-surjective traces,
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 51, 1999, 936-951.
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C. David, Average distributions of supersingular
Drinfeld modules, Journal of Number Theory 56, 1996, 366--380.
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C. David, Supersingular reduction of Drinfeld modules,
Duke Mathematical Journal 78, 1995, 399--411.
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